The Western Hemisphere in 2018
Disclaimer: This section features a selection of noteworthy analysis and forecasts which reflect the opinions of their authors. They do not necessarily reflect those of the Foundation for a World in Transition, nor of its members. The Foundation encourages the open exchange of opinion amongst its members yet does not take any institutional position.
With Naná de Graaff, Beate Jahn, Inderjeet Parmar & Dr. Leslie Vinjamuri
Royal Institute of International Relations - January 17, 2018
With Stephen Hadley
Carnegie Tsinghua Center, China in the World - January 18, 2018
With Sharon Weinberger
War College - January 22, 2018
With Hal Brands
Foreign Policy Research Institute - January 24, 2018
With Pr. Douglas A. Irwin, Claude Barfield & Daniel Ikenson,
CATO Institute - January 24, 2018
With Seth Cropsey, Bryan McGrath, & Walter Russell Mead
Hudson Institute - January 29, 2018
With Katheen Hicks and Hal Brands
Cato Institute, Power Problems - January 30, 2018
With Alan Dafoe
Stanford University, Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) - February 7, 2018
With James Cameron
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - February 8, 2018
With Pr. Joseph S. Nye Jr.
Stanford University, Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) - February 12, 2018
With Victor Davis Hanson
Hoover Institution, The Classicist - February 14, 2019
With Hans Kristensen
CATO Institute, Power Problems - February 20, 2018
With William Welser IV, Rebecca Balebako, & Osonde A. Osoba
RAND Corporation - February 20, 2018
With Bruce Jones
Royal Institute of International Affairs - February 22, 2018